Monthly Milonga and Special Events
Milongas held every first Saturday of the month beginning January 4, 2020

Founded to continue the legacy of La Portena Milonga in Atlanta, Georgia - Nuestra Milonga was established as a cooperative venture to offer monthly social milongas as well as special Argentine tango events in the Atlanta area. Nuestra Milonga is held on the first Saturday of each month at Daza Dance studio in Atlanta, GA. We also host periodic special events throughout the year (see listings below). Nuestra is hosted by Lynn Doughty, Virginia Dick, Brian Thomas, and Claudia Winter.
For $20 a year, you can become a "Friend of Nuestra." Becoming a Friend of Nuestra will allow you to receive 10% off of special events and $2 off of monthly milonga admission.
Upcoming Events
- Fri, Mar 19Atlanta